Please find below coomprehensive list of the Terms and Conditions related to the use of our website(s). It is important that you make yourself aware of these and agree to them before using our websit(s).

Please read these terms and conditions carefully before using this site. Thse terms outline the rules for using our website(s) MedBond Markets and including any language site (collectively. 'Our site').

Who we are and how to contact us

This website is operated by MedBond Markets Ltd. MedBond Markets is a brand name Used by : MedBond Markets Ltd. MedBond Markets is trading division of MedBond Markets, an Authorized Financial Services. Provider by the FSP No: 50113. Information regarding the aforemenioned entities can be found on our site.

All client funds are placed with tier 1 liquidity provider accounts. This is to ensure the clients have access to the best market depth and high liquidity in demanding trading conditions.

For more information on how to contact us Click here.

By using our site you accept these terms. By using our site you confirm that you accept these terms of use and agree to comply with them. If you do not agree with these terms you may not use our site and our services.

By continuing to use this site you consent to all the information provided to you in English language (Including marketing and other material) unless you have chosen and/or accepted to receive information in more than one language. Further, by continuing to use the site you consent that the information provided via the site is in a medium, considered as 'durable medium' and you agree that due to the nature of the services we offer (i.e. online services) information found online is considered as being n durable from.

We reserve the right to adjust pricing, spreads, terms and conditions in the contract without prior notice according to market conditions. Investor acknowledge that the deposited funds are insured as long as the funds remaining under management for 1 year starting from the date of the completed deposit.

These are other terms that may apply to you We may make change to these terms We may amedn these terms from time to time. Every time you wish to use site please check these terms to ensure you understand the terms that apply at that particular time.

We may make changes to our site.

We may update and change our site from time to time. You can find the most up-to-date version of these terms on our site.